developing championship players
The following is an excerpt from my book Coaching Champions For Life:
So now you are ready to begin designing your first practice plan. You are planning to teach. Here is the process you should follow for that plan and for each one to follow.
The first step is to refer to your list of season goals and goals to be accomplished by the end of the first week. The first practice plan is developed from the goals for the end of the season backward, from the goals for the end of the week backward, and from the goals of the end of the practice backward.
In other words, what are the building blocks you will use to accomplish your goals for this team for the season? Where do you want this team to be by the end of this week? What goals do you want to have accomplished by this practice that will allow the team to be one step closer for your goals for the week and for the season?
The goals lists must be in three general categories – Persons-Athletes- Players. What are your goals to develop your team members as people, as athletes, and as players? Each practice plan must include drills that train your team members in each of these areas!
Second, we must remember that the word “coach” is a verb, i.e., a person of action. Coaches must be able to demonstrate well what they are trying to teach.
Third, teaching requires getting and holding the attention of the students. In doing that, coaches must remember the students will not care how much coaches know until they know how much they care. Coaches must build empathy and trust with their team members, including their assistant coaches.