A. On-the-Field Games
1. "Great Play Friday" – pairs or small groups team-up to create their own version of a pre- determined great play, e.g., slow roller, double-play, pop-up, etc.
2. Hi-Jinx Skits, Creative Handshakes, see, e.g., hilarious college baseball rain delay routines
Clemson v. Davidson Rain Delay Antics – Part 1
Clemson v. Davidson Rain Delay Antics – Part 2
Colorado Football Coach Impersonations - YouTube
3. Whiffle Ball Game
4. Over-the-Line Tournament
5. Lite Flight Ball HR Derby
6. Lite Flight Ball Switch Hit, Oppo Hand Game
7. Minefield – pair players up, one blindfolded or walking backward and orange discs or cones are scattered in a defined area. The “blindfolded” player has to move from one end of the “minefield” to he other avoiding the objects using only the verbal commands of his partner. You can have multiple teams do it at the same time so the blindfolded player has to block out the distraction of the voices of the other teams.
8. Towel (pairs) or Blanket (teams of 4 or more) Volleyball
9. Water Balloon Dodgeball (throws below waist)
10. Slip n’ Slide
B. Outings - General
1. Inspirational Movies – e.g., When the Game Stands Tall
(2014); The 5th Quarter (2010), Soul of the Game (1996)
2. Arcades
3. Go to local College or Minor League Games/Practices
4. Team Meal/BBQ – players choose menu and help cook meal
5. Attend cheerleading, band, and drill team competitions - if you want them to attaend your games, you need to attend their competitions
C. Outings – Competitive
1. Paint Ball
2. Canoe or Kayak Boat Races
D. Service with no expectation of a monetary return
1.“Miracle” or “Challenger” Leagues – play your sport with children with disabilities
2. Children’s Hospitals
3. Community Work Projects
4. Gather Used BB Gear for Disadvantaged Youth – ABCA
“Turn Two for Youth”, GRIP Int’l
5. Volunteer to Read to Elementary School Students
6. Host a “Parents Night Out” with players as babysitters
7. Canned Food Drives
8. Raise Awareness Campaigns
9. Clean up a city park or a local youth league’s baseball
10. Help to promote and work at a school event
E. General
1. Read and discuss as a team the book, Chop Wood, Carry
Water by Joshua Medcalf