I. In what ways do I need to improve in my understanding and ability to teach mechanics and methodology?
II. What age and ability level range are the players?
III. How much sport and baseball experience do they have?
IV. How much time and how many practices do I have before the first game? How long will my practices be?
V. How long and how many games is the season?
VI. What Assistants/Help Do I Need?
A. Coaches
B. Parents
VII. What are my equipment, technology, and facility resources/needs?
VIII. What Are My Goals for the Season?
A. Life Skills
- Competitor
- Teammate/Team building
- Son
- Student
- Leader
- Citizen
B. Baseball IQ
C. Athleticism
D. Throw
E. Receive
F. Field
G. Hit
H. Base Running
I. What are the obstacles from the school, players, parents, coaches, and the league to achieving my goals and how will I overcome them?
IX. Design from the end of the season backward, from the end of the week backward, and from the end of the practice backward.
X. Pre-season Meeting(s) with League/AD, Parents, Coaches and Players