Ask your players to research:
- The five wealthiest people in the country;
- The last five MLB National League MVP’s;
- The last five winners of a Grammy for Best Song;
- The last five Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry;
- The last five Pulitzer Prize winners for non-fiction;
- The last five winners of an Academy Award for Best Director.
Then ask them to name:
- Five teachers who impacted your education and/or your life;
- Five people who have helped you through difficult times;
- Five people who taught you something significant;
- Five people who made you feel appreciated and special;
- Five people who you enjoy spending time with;
- Five people who have character you admire and aspire to emulate.
Then remind them:
The people you listed in Section I above, matter to a few people; those you listed in Section II, matter to Him. The lessons we learn from our sport are ultimately not for our game, but for our life. The goal is to become like the people in section II not section I.